Agriculture’s Role in the Terai Region of Nepal

Agriculture’s Role in the Terai Region of Nepal
Introduction The Terai region of Nepal, known for its fertile plains and diverse agricultural practices, plays an important ...
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नेपालको वनमा निबन्ध।

नेपाल प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्य, उपहार, स्रोत र आश्चर्यमा धनी छ। वन यी स्रोतहरू मध्ये एक हो। नेपाल एउटा पाहाडी ...
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Child Rights and Child Labor in Nepal

Introduction Nepal, a country situated in the Himalayas, is famous for its rich cultural heritage and natural landscapes. ...
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Eid Festival

Introduction: Eid Festival Eid, derived from the Arabic word “id” meaning “festival” or “celebration”, is an important religious ...
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The Impact of the Internet on Society

Introduction: The Impact of the Internet on Society The Internet has evolved from a communication tool to a ...
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The Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Weather

Introduction: The Impacts of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Climate change is no longer a distant threat but ...
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The Formation of the Solar System

Information: The Formation of the Solar System The formation of the Solar System is a captivating saga that ...
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The Structure and Composition of the Sun

Introduction: The Structure and Composition of the Sun In the vast expanse of the universe, the Sun stands ...
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