Essay on Holi Festival

Holi Festival

I enjoy many celebrations throughout the year. Different people have different religions, cultures and festivals. Hindu people are very rich in feasts and festivals. Hindus celebrate so many festivals throughout the year.

One of the festivals is Holi. Holi is the happiest festival of the Hindus. It is celebrated in Falgun or Chaitra. It is a festival of colours. This festival is observed in memory of Prahlad. He was the son of a demon king named Hiranyakashyapu. The demon king was very wicked and proud.

Nobody was allowed to worship God. He called himself almighty. But his son Prahlad was a devotee of Vishnu. Hiranyakashyapu prohibited him to utter the name of Vishnu and worship him instead. Prahlad did not obey him. So the king oppressed him. When he did not give up worshipping Vishnu, his father told Holika to burn him.

Holika had a blessing that she would not be burnt by fire. She sat with Prahlad in the fire but she herself was burnt. Prahlad remained alive. At last, Hiranyakashyapu was killed by Vishnu. Since then Holi is celebrated. On the last night of this day, people collect a large pile of straws and sticks and burn them.

They sing songs on this occasion. The next day people sprinkle coloured water on one another. They smear one another’s faced with coloured powders. Everybody is in a jolly mood. People sing and dance to the accompaniment of drums. They go from door to door singing and dancing. Everywhere they are welcomed. Many kinds of delicious food are prepared.

In the evening they return to their homes. In Nepal, it is celebrated for two days. People in hilly regions celebrate before the day in Tarai. It gives a good message of friendship among people. We should be very careful while celebrating festivals. Although it is a very happy festival, some people throw water on people and sing obscene songs. It should be enjoyed happily together.

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Hi! my name is Abinash Chaudhary owner of this website from Nepal.

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